Soup and Friendship, is a project from the charity department of St. Olav parish in Oslo. We are a group of Catholics who gather to offer “a cup of friendship” in the figure of soup. Non-Catholics are welcome to join too. We aim to serve mainly drug users we find in the streets but also any other who is in need.
Bread which multiplies
We make soup from scratch with nutritious ingredients. We also offer beverages such as coffee or tea, bread and some extras like fruit or sweets. We normally attend between twenty and thirty people every time.
We finance this activity with private funds.
How can you volunteer?
To those who would like to offer voluntary help, there is no such thing as little so every help counts big! So here it’s a list with the tasks that can be done:
1. Shopping groceries. We buy vegetables the same day
2. Kitchen help from 15:00 to 17:30 Here you can show up in that period
3. Clean the kitchen after or during preparing the soup.
4. Going out from 18:00 to 20:00
(this varies sometimes we finish before or after but no later than 20:00 mainly in winter to give chance to reach more people). The volunteers help serving. It is fun, people chat a little and we do the job smiling and in good mood. We watch for the ambiance to be clean and we care about the littering.
5. Back to Kitchen.
You can meet in the way and you help to carry the stuff, as we bring the rests back to the church establishment, and leave everything in place for next time.
6. Donations
-You can donate food.
-You can donate spoons, napkins, paper cups and containers
-You can donate money
For more details or interest, you can send an email to or call me at 46881534
...For He stands at the right hand of the needy, to save their lives from those who would condemn them” psalm 109, 31.