fredag 17. oktober 2008

Vi får besøk av et ukrainsk kors

Fra katedralen i Helsinki.

A mission was engendered in 2003 during Easter in the day of Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Take a cross and carry on all capitals of the world in gratitude to the Lord for our rescue.

On March, 10, 2004 in Vatican Dad Roman Ioann Paul II blessed organizers on executions of this mission. Cross motion of gratitude with an oak cross was begun with Lvov (Ukraine), where in a center a city in October, 2004 a great oak cross was set with cross. Then these crosses were put in Center the capital of Ukraine – Kiev and in town Donetsk.

In 2006 During a lent with benediction of cardinal Mar'yana Yavorskogo (Catholic church), bishops of the Ukrainian Greco-catholic church and Ukrainian Orthodox church Cross went round all regions of Ukraine, being in the temples of different confessions on Sainted liturgies, night-watches, prayer services. People if him on cities and villages uniting with Jesus by Christ on his cross road. On May, 28 in Krakow dad Roman Benedict XVI sanctified Cross of Gratitude.

Kort fortalt er dette et kors på vandring. Det begynte med en visjon som kom i påsken 2003 om å bære korset rundt til alle verdens hovedsteder for å takke Jesus for frelsen. Korset har vært i Ukraina, Polen, Latvia, Litauen, Estland og Finland. Nå er det vår tur, og korset skal være i kirken fra lørdag 18.10. til onsdag 22.10. Kom innom og be ved korset!

SISTE: korset er blitt flyttet til St. Josph kirke og er der inntil videre. 

Les mer på korsets egne hjemmesider.